Disaster Cleanup

We would like to welcome you to the Air Machine Superstore website. We carry all the top brands of industrial Negative Air Machines, Air Scrubbers, Air Machines, fans, blowers, ducting, hosing, filters HEPA vacuums, portable showers, containment rooms and accessories. Our staff is here to help you in any way that we can. 100% Customer Satisfaction is our number one priority. So if you are unsure of what product is best for your project call us toll free at 1-800-227-8479 and our knowledgeable staff will make sure you get the best product for your project.
We Carry These Types Of Products, But Are Not Limited To:
Negative Air Machine | Portable Air Scrubber | Air Machine | Air Mover | Air Purification Machines
Abatement Air Purifier | Negative Air Pressure Machine | HEPA Air Cleaners | Dirty Air Purifiers
Negative Air Machines are designed to filter air in numerous job sites including National Disasters, Construction, Mold Remediation, Painting, Grinding & Welding. They can also be used to set Negative or Positive Pressure Isolation rooms, useful for containing airborne contaminants such as: Dirt, Dust, Drywall Dust, Sawdust, Metal Fumes, Smoke, Molds, Fungi and other Hazardous Materials.
By creating negative pressure, air scrubbers capture the contaminated air and produces clean non-contaminated air. A negative pressure environment will help to contain the mold, dust, particles and odors within the workspace containment barrier. Air always flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. Creating and maintaining negative pressure creates inward airflow direction through any leaks or openings in the containment barrier. This prevents airborne contaminants from escaping into and contaminating other parts of the work area.
Using an air scrubber during mold/dust cleanup is extremely important for health and liability reasons. If mold or other hazardous materials are released in the air they may contaminate neighboring areas of your home or office which were previously un contaminated. Mold spores may travel via the air to other parts of a building, and can colonize clean carpets, walls, ducting, clothing or furniture in clean areas.
Each machine can move, filter and clean up to 2000 cubic feet of air per minute (CFM). Air scrubbers have triple stage filtration with HEPA filters. The HEPA filter will capture small particles such as mold, bacteria, asbestos, lead, dust and many other airborne contaminants. Air scrubbers will continuously clean the air and provide a clean, healthy and productive environment. An alternate general purpose filter is available strictly for dust particles rather than using the HEPA filter. They can also be easily moved around on four wheels.
These Air Scrubbers will save time, money and is much more effective in containing contaminated areas compared to other methods.
Common Environments & Situations Where Air Mover Purification Machines Are Used:
A HEPA filter is a type of high efficiency particulate air filter. This type of air filter can remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles 0.3 micrometres in diameter. Particles of this size are the most difficult to filter and thus the most penetrating particle size. Particles that are larger or smaller are filtered with even higher efficiency. HEPA filters are the most effective air filtration filters to remove Contaminants from the air.
• Interception - most commonly affects particles above .4 microns. The particle sticks to one of the filter's fibers after coming close enough to it. It is as if the fiber reaches out and catches the particle.
• Impaction - most commonly affects particles above .4 microns. The particle is forced into contact with a fiber by the trajectory of the airstream in which it is traveling, and is embedded into it. It is as if the particle makes a head-on collision with the fiber and then cannot dislodge itself.
• Diffusion - most commonly affects particles below .1 microns. The arrangement of the fibers makes the particle collide with air or other gas molecules, and it is thrown off its course through the filter. Basically this is a means of keeping the particle within the filter until one of the other two methods succeeds in ensnaring it. It is as if the particle is blown about by wind until it collides with a fiber.
Click here for the new 2010 Lead Law: Product Guide & Information
Beginning in April 2010, federal law will require that contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified in the new EPA Renovation, Repair & Painting Rule (RRP) and follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. Visit www.epa.gov/lead/ for more information regarding the new lead laws.
Those who have already completed a one-day Lead Safe Work Practices course or lead abatement certification are eligible to complete the Remodelers Refresher course. Any prior Lead Safe Work Practices training is not sufficient to meet the requirements of this new Federal Law. After April 22, 2010, the EPA, or a state agency enforcing the regulations, can fine a company $37,500 per infraction, per day. The new rules also render companies vulnerable to the threat of a civil suit for noncompliance.
Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program information can be found by visiting: EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program.